Is your computer still showing Ubuntu from boot menu even after uninstalling it.?. You can follow the below steps in your windows 7 so that it fix the issue.
– Click start
– Type: cmd
– Right-click cmd when it appears under Programs
– Click Run As Administrator
Once the prompt is up type bcdedit.exe
this will list all of the OS that start up in Windows Boot Manager
Once you have this list you use the command bcdedit.exe/delete file name corresponding to ubuntu boot record. The boot record may have path something like \ubuntu\winboot\wubuildr.mbr.
example: bcdedit.exe/delete {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f}
This will remove ubuntu’s menu from windows boot.
Source: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100108062345AAXcdDi