The following are the steps to install RVM(Ruby version manager) and ree in your Linux box.
The following commands will install both the softwares in it.
#cd /usr/local/src/ #wget https://raw.github.com/wayneeseguin/rvm/master/binscripts/rvm-installer #chmod 755 rvm-installer #./rvm-installer
The above commands will install rvm in to your linux box at multi-user mode.
You should logout and login to make sure that your shell has rvm configurations loaded in it.
To check if rvm is installed in your server type the command
# type rvm | head -1
The above command should produce result as
# rvm is a function
To install ree you need to run the following command
# rvm install ree
To check rvm requrements you can run the following command
# rvm requirements
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