Hi, I have got a solution for removing zombie process on servers(linux servers). We neither need to restart the server nor run script to do this all we have to do is just run the following command. ps -el |...
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Telnet is developed focusing on client to server connection for data transfer. Telnet connects to the server in a plain text format. It was developed in 1969, due to security drawbacks it has been replaced by SSH in 1995. To check whether telnet is...
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The following are the frequently used port numbers. FTP data transfer mode – 20 FTP control(command) mode – 21 SSH – 22. Telnet – 23.. WHOIS – 43. DNS – 53 NNTP(Network news Transfer Protocol)-119 Web service port numbers ====================== http-80 Mysql-3306 https-443 Control panel default...
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The command to sort the contents of the file is #ls -al | sort and to reverse the sorting order we use r at the end of the command as shown below #ls -al | sort r The command to...
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Hi, this topic covers the user administration in linux operating system. The important feature of a linux machine is that. In linux machine multiple users can access the same machine at the same time. At the end of this topic...
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Tips on Linux administration will be updated here.
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